(European Single Procurement Document) is a tool that makes it easier for you to participate in public procurement.
It is a self-declaration of the competence, financial situation and capabilities of companies used as preliminary evidence in all public procurement procedures above the EU threshold.
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CPV codes
What is the CPV?
The CPV consists of a main vocabulary for defining the subject of a contract, and a supplementary vocabulary for adding further qualitative information. The main vocabulary is based on a tree structure comprising codes of up to 9 digits (an 8 digit code plus a check digit) associated with a wording that describes the type of supplies, works or services forming the subject of the contract.
The CPV consists of a main vocabulary and a supplementary vocabulary.
The main vocabulary is based on a tree structure comprising codes of up to nine digits associated with a wording that describes the supplies, works or services forming the subject of the contract.
- The first two digits identify the divisions (XX000000-Y);
- The first three digits identify the groups (XXX00000-Y);
- The first four digits identify the classes (XXXX0000-Y);
- The first five digits identify the categories (XXXXX000-Y);
Each of the last three digits gives a greater degree of precision within each category.
A ninth digit serves to verify the previous digits.
The supplementary vocabulary may be used to expand the description of the subject of a contract. The items are made up of an alphanumeric code with a corresponding wording allowing further details to be added regarding the specific nature or destination of the goods to be purchased.
The alphanumeric code is made up of:
- a first level comprising a letter corresponding to a section;
- a second level comprising four digits, the first three of which denote a subdivision and the last one being for verification purposes
How to use the CPV
Is the use of the CPV classification mandatory in the standard forms?
The use of the CPV is mandatory in the European Union as from 1 February 2006.
The CPV version 2008 is the current CPV version to:
- Fill the notices of calls for competition
- Search business opportunities in TED
- Find contract notices in the archive of TED
The new CPV (Common (public) Procurement Vocabulary) codes were published on March 15, 2008 (Official Journal of the European Union) and are in force since September 15, 2008. The files below will help you to use them correctly. A multilingual (26 languages).
Sustainable Public Procurement
Sustainable development is an unavoidable concern in our society, as it directly affects our future and that of future generations. The contracting authorities of the federal government are in the first position of responsibility in this respect. Their role is twofold: on the one hand, to integrate sustainability into the contracts they award in order to improve the overall sustainability score, and on the other hand, to encourage bidders to offer more sustainable products and services.
List of NUTS codes
Valid from January 1, 2021, the current NUTS 2021 nomenclature lists 92 regions at NUTS level 1, 242 at NUTS level 2 and 1166 at NUTS level 3.
The NUTS classification (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics) is a hierarchical system for dividing up the economic territory of the EU and the United Kingdom:
- for the collection, development and harmonization of regional statistics
- for the socio-economic analysis of regions
- NUTS 1: large socio-economic regions
- NUTS 2: basic regions for the implementation of regional policies
- NUTS 3: small regions for specific diagnoses
- for the definition of EU regional policies
- Regions eligible for cohesion policy are classified at NUTS 2 level
- Until now, the cohesion report has been mainly established at NUTS 2 level
Download in XLS format: List of NUTS codes